How did medieval book production function in the Eastern Mediterranean? Were there even “scriptoria” comparable to those in Western Europe and how can they be identified? With these questions in mind, the international workshop “Spaces of Book Production and Scribal Activity in the Eastern Mediterranean”explores the diverse spaces and networks of book production in Byzantium and the Christian East from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Scholars from Austria and abroad, including experts from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, examine the production of Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian, and Arabic manuscripts through exemplary case studies. The focus lies on the material, institutional, and cultural contexts of these scriptoria. The event is organized by Alice Croq, Giulia Rossetto, and Adrian C. Pirtea. It is part of the ERC project “Reviving the Ascetic Ideal in the Eastern Mediterranean” (RevIdEM, funded by the European Union, ERC Starting Grant No. 101078631, PI: Adrian C. Pirtea) and the FWF project “Priests, Books and the Library at Saint Catherine’s (Sinai)” (FWF No. T 1192-G, PI: Giulia Rossetto).
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